Hold your ground, say NO when it's not right for you.

Blocks of all narrative

NOisAFullSentence. NO. One word. Hold

NOisAFullSentence. NO. One word. Hold your ground, say NO when it’s not right for you. Explaining yourself is not


Hold your ground, say NO when it’s not right for you. Explaining yourself is not necessary.

NO, you don’t want to go. NO you don’t want to participate. NO you don’t want to. Speak it, mean it.

Heading above a few

Paragraph in a text section below a subheading.

Includes html tags for text highlight, underline, strong and similar formatting.



Paragraph in a text section. Includes html tags for text highlight, underline, strong and similar formatting.


+ Positive

+ Positive

+ Positive


– Negative

– Negative

Lucas McTimothy

Head of Design

Gemma Jackson

Content Strategist

Oliver Stagehand

Customer Specialist

Alice Smith

Founder & CEO

Former co-founder of ACME company. Early staff at XYZ. Loves coffee & morning runs.

Say NO when it’s not right for you. Hold your ground, be assertive.

You have the power to set boundaries and prioritize your needs.

Remember, it’s okay to say NO and prioritize yourself.